While you can help them achieve their goals as companions (as stated above) if you play them as your created character(s) you will have full control over your dialog options and your decisions. Origin stories offer specific content related to their adventures throughout the game as they all pursue a specific goal. Custom characters are the name implies are characters you tailor yourself by choosing race, gender and their backstory while origin stories are fully fledged characters with a developed background and a past. The first thing you decide for your character is whether you want it to be custom or to be an origin story. So choose very carefully what character you first create! You can control only your character(s) created during key moments of the plot related to your character(s) in particular and you can only interact as your external point of view to your companions stories.

Even though you can recruit other characters to join your party very early on the character(s) you create at the start of the game will be considered as the main one(s). In this game you create by default only 1 character per player in the game at the start. Whether you play alone or with other people the first step is always the character creation. This guide will cover all the basics of the game split into different sections so if you are interested only in one specific topic feel free to skip to the desired section. There is not one way to play the game so I will do my best to give very general advices and keep always in mind that you should take those advices for what they are: advices.

Divinity Original Sin 2 is a very vast game with a lot of things to do and many difficulties to overcome, it can be overwhelming for some players and this guide is here to help you out.